Philippe Leefsma
Forge Partner Development
An open source
from C/C++ to JavaScript
C++    ⇒    LLVM    ⇒    Emscripten    ⇒    JS
Collection of modular & reusable
compiler & toolchain technologies
float array[5000]; // C++
int main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i) {
array[i] += 1.0f;
function main() { // JavaScript
var a = 0, b = 0;
do {
a = (8 + (b << 2)) | 0;
HEAPF32[a >> 2] = +HEAPF32[a >> 2] + 1.0;
b = (b + 1) | 0;
} while ((b | 0) < 5000);
This is asm.js
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
( no official logo yet! )
Web Assembly = Binary executable format for the web
New web standard, multi-vendor cooperation
For WebAssembly to succeed we need two things:
1. Browsers to support WebAssembly natively
2. Compilers that emit WebAssembly
Already a few compilers in the works:
New WebAssembly backend in LLVM
by sunfish and others
ilwasm for .NET/CIL
Longer-term efforts... We want to test and launch WebAssembly ASAP
What to do?
C++    ⇒    Emscripten    ⇒    asm.js
asm.js    ⇒    asm2wasm    ⇒    WebAssembly
asm2wasm : Compile asm.js ⇒ WebAssembly
Part of Binaryen
(Binary + Emscripten):
an extensible WebAssembly infrastructure library
written in C++
C++  ⇒  Emscripten+Binaryen  ⇒  wasm
Runnable today, using the wasm.js compiled interpreter
- a slow polyfill -
And when browsers have native support for WebAssembly
the same build should just work
- fast! -
Emscripten + Binaryen provide a
C++ to WebAssembly solution
Also helping with experiments and prototyping
for the WebAssembly design process
Binaryen can help grow
the WebAssembly toolchain ecosystem
#Fetch the latest registry of available tools
./emsdk update
# Download and install the incoming SDK tools (Binaryen Support)
./emsdk install sdk-incoming-64bit
# Make the "latest" SDK "active"
./emsdk activate sdk-incoming-64bit
emcc tests/hello_world.c -o hello.html
python ~/emsdk/emscripten/incoming/tools/ bindings.idl glue
//Step 1 -> generating LLVM bytecode
//Step 2 -> generating asm.js
emcc -s ParticleSystem.bc --post-js glue.js -o ParticleSystem.asm.js
//Step 1 -> generating LLVM bytecode
//Step 2 -> generating wasm
emcc -s BINARYEN=1 ParticleSystem.bc --post-js glue.js -o ParticleSystem.js
var Module = Module || {}
//'WEB' / 'WORKER' / 'NODE' / 'SHELL'
Module.wasmBinaryFile = './wasm/ParticleSystem.wasm'
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', './wasm/ParticleSystem.wasm', true)
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
xhr.onload = function() {
Module.wasmBinary = xhr.response
var script = document.createElement('script')
script.src = "./wasm/ParticleSystem.js"
Optimized -O2 output is minified by default
function a(a,b){a=a|0;b=b|0;f(a+b|0);}
-g1 : preserve whitespace
function a(a, b) {
a = a | 0;
b = b | 0;
f(a + b | 0);
-g2 : preserve function names
function _addAndPrint(a, b) {
a = a | 0;
b = b | 0;
_printAnInteger(a + b | 0);
-g3 (or just -g) : preserve variable names
function _addAndPrint($left, $right) {
$left = $left | 0;
$right = $right | 0;
_printAnInteger($left + $right | 0);
Not always match exactly original variable names in source
but often quite close
-g4 : source maps
Show the C/C++ source code in your browser's debugger!
Works in Firefox, Chrome and Safari
Autodesk Forge Viewer
THREE.js Test
Forge Viewer / LHC
Philippe Leefsma
Forge Partner Development